We are a charity and rely on donations to boost the work we do with young people of different faiths, by bringing them together to explore their similarities and differences. By giving generously we are able to develop and extend our work to other areas of the UK.
Your donations are used to help fund events in our three key locations across the UK, and will help us expand our work into other cities and communities that would benefit from interfaith events for young people from all denominations.
The best way for you to donate is by giving monthly, you can do this by using our donation form, directly with your bank or by clicking the below link.
To donate online either as a one-off gift or monthly, click below
Click here to donate
Cheques should be made payable to The Feast, and before you pop it in the post please make sure to print off and fill out the donation form and enclose it with your cheque. If you pay tax in the UK don’t forget to complete the Gift Aid section.
Christ Church
32 Farm Road
B11 1LS

Please PRAY with us for the peace of our world and amongst young people of different faiths and cultures. Pray The Feast would be a part of enabling young people to have genuine friendships which challenge prejudice.
TELL others about this project by sharing our stories on Social Media, such as Facebook and Twitter.
Signup for our regular NEWSLETTER.
As a small charity, we are hugely reliant on our volunteers. In June 2014 we were awarded the Queens Award for Volunteer Service; this is the highest award that a volunteer group in the UK can receive and it recognises the outstanding work that our volunteers do to support and impact their communities.
In the past year we have enjoyed well over 500 hours of work done by our volunteers, and here are some of the ways they have contributed to our success.
Youth Events
IT Support
Photography and Promotion
Office support
If The Feast is something you would like to support by donating your skills, energy and time to, then we would love to hear from you! As a small team there is much we would like to do but cannot without volunteers like you! You can contact us here.
“The Feast asks young people to dare to imagine a transformed world in which all people are confident in their beliefs and identity, embrace diversity, and are able to flourish alongside one another in peaceful, loving and inclusive communities.”